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Neues Körpergefühl auf Rezept

Warum müssen wir Medikamente einnehmen, warum Pillen oder Tropfen schlucken, wenn es zum Gesundwerden eine viel angenehmere und verträglichere Therapieform gibt? Bewegung und sportliche Aktivität stehen bei Medizinern ganz oben auf der Liste der Empfehlungen.

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Warum müssen wir Medikamente einnehmen, warum Pillen oder Tropfen schlucken, wenn es zum Gesundwerden eine viel angenehmere und verträglichere Therapieform gibt? Bewegung und sportliche Aktivität stehen bei Medizinern ganz oben auf der Liste der Empfehlungen.

Schwiegermutter soll sich mehr bewegen. Sie raucht seit 40 Jahren, hat Bluthochdruck, Herzkreislauf- und Stoffwechselbeschwerden, eine fast kaputte Leber und seit Kurzem auch Probleme mit den Bandscheiben. Sie muss nach ärztlicher Anordnung regelmäßig Medikamente schlucken. Ihre Hausärztin hat ihr beim letzten Besuch etwas Neues auf den Reze


In addition to these recommendations, some medical professionals also suggest that patients „lick blood“ and develop a new body feeling. However, how can someone „lick blood“ when they know that physical exertion, sweat, financial costs, and perhaps also initial complaints may arise in the process?

„The motivation is the most difficult part, but it is also crucial. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not,“ says our expert. With a training plan, he does not help his patients, but he explains to them very precisely how this form of improvement can look. He also has some general tips: „Eat properly! Move more! Do not stress yourself! Set long-term goals! Make your way step by step! The motivation to regularly do something for your physical, emotional, and social health also has an impact on the fun factor.“ For some, the fun stops when the sporting activity is associated with performance pressure and compulsion. Or even addiction. Moosburger tells about an over-ambitious recreational runner who does not miss any fun run, achieves no particularly appealing results, and breaks himself with the inner compulsion to be very active every day. „This runner never gets into the area of super-compensation, her body does not know any breaks and does not regenerate. She will therefore never improve.“

Compulsion to exercise also has unpleasant side effects such as disturbed eating behavior or the feeling of constantly having to control one’s weight. „Here the joy of movement has gone in the wrong direction.“ Moosburger emphasizes that the renunciation of carbohydrates in athletes is counterproductive. „Low carb is a no go! There is a lack of energy, and you get irritable.“ As extreme examples of athletes who chastise themselves from enormous performance pressure or inner compulsion, the nutrition professional sees gymnasts and ski jumpers. „The poor jumpers have to eat their müsli with water and without milk so that they do not bring too much weight to the scale in the competition.“

Anorexia athletica, i.e., disturbed eating behavior through sport, is also on the increase in hobby sports, especially in the age group 50+, and is now an independent, recognized disease. Here, the prescription clearly showed a wrong effect.

Back to the mother-in-law. It does not necessarily have to be walking with these sticks. Moosburger has another effective means. „We must not forget and neglect everyday movement: walking, climbing stairs, if the joints allow it, going out with the children or grandchildren to the fresh air or to the playground – everywhere around us movement is possible without much effort, efforts, and costs. According to Moosburger, there is no reason to ban this healthy movement. „No, not even an age when it can have a negative effect. On the contrary.“

That the motivation and the impulse to move must come from a person himself is the conviction of the Graz doctor Dr. Elisabeth Smolle.

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